- Gunn, M., & Mont, O. (2014). Choice editing as a retailers’ tool for sustainable consumption. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, in print.
- Heiskanen, E., O. Mont, et al. (2013). "A Map Is Not a Territory" - Making Research More Helpful for Sustainable Consumption Policy." Journal of Consumer Policy: 10.1007/s10603-10013-19247-10608.
- Mont, O., Neuvonen, A., & Lähteenoja, S. (2013). Sustainable lifestyles 2050: stakeholder visions, emerging practices and future research. Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.007.
- Kogg, B. and Mont. O. (2012). Environmental and social responsibility in supply chains. The practice of choice and inter-organisational management. Ecological Economics (available online Jan 12, 2012)
- Mont, O. and K. Power (2010) The role of formal and informal forces in shaping consumption and implications for sustainable society. Part I. Sustainability (2): 2232-2252.
- Power, K. and O. Mont (2010) The role of formal and informal forces in shaping consumption and implications for sustainable society. Part II. Sustainability (2): 2573-2592
- Tukker, A., Cohen, M. J., Hubacek, K. and Mont, O. (2010). "The Impacts of Household Consumption and Options for Change." Journal of Industrial Ecology (in press).
- Mont, O. and Leire, C. (2009). "Socially responsible purchasing in the supply chain: drivers and barriers in Sweden." Social Responsibility Journal. Vol. 5, No. 3: 388-407 Highly commended paper in Awards for Excellence 2010
- Leire, C. and Mont, O. (2008). The implementation of socially responsible purchasing in Swedish organisations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 17(1): 27–39.
- Emtairah, T. and Mont, O. (2008). "Gaining legitimacy in contemporary world: environmental and social activities of organisations." International Journal of Sustainable Society. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.134-148.
- Devisscher, T. and Mont, O. (2008). "Sustainability analysis of a product service system in Latin America. Case study of coffee in Yungas, Bolivia." International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 3(3/4): 262-284.
- Mont, O. (2008). "The role of households in SCP agenda: A one-actor show or concerted action?" Journal on Innovation and Sustainable Development 2(2): 201-214.
- Mont, O. and Plepys, A. (2008) Sustainable consumption progress: should we be proud or alarmed?, Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(4): 531-537.
- Mont, O. (2007). "Innovative approaches to optimising design and use of durable consumer goods." International Journal of Product Development 6(3/4): 227-250.
- Mont, O. and A. Plepys (2007). "System Perspective on Service Provision: A case of community-based washing centres for households." International Journal of Public Affairs 3: 130-151.
- Plepys, A., O. Mont and S. Heblich (2007). "Product ban versus strict regulation: the case of trichloroethylene use in Sweden and Germany." European Environmental Law Review 16(1): 2-10.
- Mont, O. and R. Bleischwitz (2007). Sustainable consumption and resource management in the light of life cycle thinking. European Environment 17(1): 59-76.
- Kurdve, M. and O. Mont (2006). New Business for Old Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production 14(17): p. 1559-1560.
- Mont, O. and A. Tukker (2006). Product-Service Systems: reviewing achievements and refining the research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production 14(17): p. 1451-1454.
- Mont, O., Singhal, P., and Fadeeva, Z. (2006). Chemical Management Services in Europe - lessons for the future. Journal of Industrial Ecology: 10(1-2): p. 279-292.
- Mont, O., Dalhammar, C., and Jacobsson, N. (2006). A new business model for baby prams based on leasing and product remanufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production: 14(17): p. 1509-1518.
- Mont, O. and C. Dalhammar (2005). Sustainable consumption: at the cross-road of environmental and consumer policies. International Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (4): p. 258-279.
- Mont, O. (2004). "Reducing life cycle environmental impacts through systems of joint use." Special issue on "Life Cycle Management" of Greener Management International (45): p. 63-77.
- van Rossem, C., Kogg, B., and Mont, O. (2004). Throwing the baby out with the bathwater? A critical review of the EU-Communication on IPP. Ökologisches Wirtschaften (3-4): p. 11-13.
- Mont, O. (2003) Institutionalisation of sustainable consumption patterns based on shared use. Ecological Economics, 50(1-2): p. 135-153.
- Mont, O. and T. Lindhqvist (2003) The role of public policy in advancement of product service systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 11(8): p. 905-914.
- Mont, O. (2003) Editorial for the special issue of the Journal of Cleaner Production on Product Service Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 11(8): p. 815-817.
- Mont, O. (2002) Drivers and barriers for shifting towards more service-oriented businesses: analysis of the PSS field and contributions from Sweden. Journal of Sustainable Product Design, 2(3-4): p. 89-103.
- Mont, O. (2002) Clarifying the concept of product-service system, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10, 237-245.
- Mont, O. (2001) The Swedish Product Choice Principle, European Environmental Law Review, 10, 351-363.
- Mont, O. (2001) Review of Leasing: A Step Toward Producer Responsibility, by Bette K. Fishbein, Lorraine S. McGarry, and Patricia S. Dillon. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 5(4): p. 118-120.
- Mont, O., Plepys, A. and Durkin, M. (1999) Transferring Cleaner Production to Eastern Europe: experiences from Cleaner Production Training Programme in Roslavl, Russia, 1998, Journal of Cleaner Production, 7, 307-311.
Books and book chapters
Müller, L., Mont, O., & Gram-Hanssen, K. (2013). Vem bestämmer över konsumtionen? In M. Jiborn & A. Kander (Eds.), Generationsmålet - kontroverser kring klimat och konsumtion. Dialogos Förlag.
Klintman, M., Carlsson-Kanyama, A., & Mont, O. (2013). Frivillig enkelhet – ett hållbart sätt att ta samhällsansvar? In M. Jiborn & A. Kander (Eds.), Generationsmålet - kontroverser kring klimat och konsumtion Dialogos Förlag.
Jonsson, A., Klintman, M., & Mont, O. (2012). Förändringsarbete ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv: utmaningar och möjligheter för genusarbete vid Ekonomihögskolan i Lund. In I. Lövkrona & K. Widén (Eds.), AKKA IV 2010-2011 Erfarenheter av ett genusintegrerat ledarskapsprogram. Lund: Lund Universitet.
Klintman, M., Carlsson-Kanyama, A., & Mont, O. (2013). Frivillig enkelhet – ett hållbart sätt att ta samhällsansvar? In M. Jiborn & A. Kander (Eds.), Generationsmålet - kontroverser kring klimat och konsumtion Dialogos Förlag.
Jonsson, A., Klintman, M., & Mont, O. (2012). Förändringsarbete ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv: utmaningar och möjligheter för genusarbete vid Ekonomihögskolan i Lund. In I. Lövkrona & K. Widén (Eds.), AKKA IV 2010-2011 Erfarenheter av ett genusintegrerat ledarskapsprogram. Lund: Lund Universitet.
Nilsson, H. and Mont, O. (2010). Socio-economic aspects of farmers' markets in Sweden. System Innovation for Sustainability 3: Case Studies in Sustainable Consumption and Production – Food and Agriculture. U. Tischner, U. Kjærnes, E. Stø and A. Tukker, Greenleaf Publishers.
Leire, C., Mont, O. and Dalhammar, C. (2009). Green procurement policies and practices: Swedish perspectives from the public and private sectors. Handbook of Environmental Policy. J. Meijer and A. der Berg, Nova Science Publishers.
Mont, O. and Paulavets, K. (2008). Klimatmärkning av mat - vad kan det ge och när ska det ske? KliMATfrågan på bordet. Johansson, B. Stockholm, Formas: 161-172.
Mont, O. and C. Dalhammar (2008). Public policy for sustainable consumption. Public Policy Issues Research Trends. S. J. Evans, Nova Science Publishers: 211-239.
Mont, O. and T. Emtairah (2008). Systemic Changes and Sustainable Consumption and Production. In Governance for radical change to Sustainable Consumption and Production. A. Tukker. Sheffield, UK, Greenleaf Publishing: 450.
Boada Ortiz, A. and O. Mont (2005). Desmaterialización. Sistemas Producto-Servicio una estrategia diferente de negocios [Dematerialisation. Product Service Systems - a different strategy for businesses]. Bogota, Universidad Externado De Colombia.
Mont, O. and A. Boada-Ortíz. Producto, Producción Y Consumo: Los Frentes De La Sostenibilidad. Bogota, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Centro de Gestión Ambiental y Tecnológica -2003: 19.
Plepys, A., Mont, O., Durkin, M. (Eds.), Environmental management and cleaner production: a handbook, 2002 (in Russian).
Voytenko, Yuliya, Peter Arnfalk, Peter Abrahamsson Lindeblad, M. Klintman and O. Mont (2013), Resfria Möten – vad blir effekterna och hur redovisar man dem? Lund, Internationela Miljöinstitutet, pp. 70.
Mont, Oksana, Ed. (2013), Sustainability landscape of Swedish food retailers in the European context. Lund, Lund University.
Mont, O., Heiskanen, E., Kuusi, H., & Power, K. (2013). “Improving Nordic policymaking by dispelling myths on sustainable consumption. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
Mont, O., & Power, K. (2013). Understanding factors that shape consumption (ETC Working Paper No 1/2013). Copenhagen: ETC-SCP.
Brüggemann, N., von Geibler, J., Mont, O., Nordmann, J. (2012). The role
of new business models for sustainable living. Messages for Rio+20 (Report of the
WBCSD / EEA workshop ‘Visions to Actions - Fostering new business
models to shape more sustainable ways of living. Formulating messages
for Rio+20’ Copenhagen, 2-3 May 2012 No. ETC/SCP 2012). Copenhagen:
Mont, O., Grossi, F., Brüggemann, N., von Geibler, J., Nordmann, J. (2012). The role of new business models for sustainable living (Background paper for the WBCSD / EEA workshop ‘Visions to Actions - Fostering new business models to shape more sustainable ways of living. Formulating messages for Rio+20’ Copenhagen, 2-3 May 2012 No. ETC/SCP 2012). Copenhagen: ETC/SCP and EEA.
Power, K., Mont, O. (2011). The role of values and public perceptions in policy making for Sustainable Consumption Copenhagen: ETC-SCP and EEA.
Breukers, S., O. Mont, et al. (2011). SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050. Wuppertal, ECN, Lund University and CSCP: 160.
European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (2009). European retailer initiatives along life cycle chain. The role of food retailing in the move towards more sustainable consumption and production. CSCP. Copenhagen, European Environmental Agency: 66 pp. Not published
Mont, O., Grossi, F., Brüggemann, N., von Geibler, J., Nordmann, J. (2012). The role of new business models for sustainable living (Background paper for the WBCSD / EEA workshop ‘Visions to Actions - Fostering new business models to shape more sustainable ways of living. Formulating messages for Rio+20’ Copenhagen, 2-3 May 2012 No. ETC/SCP 2012). Copenhagen: ETC/SCP and EEA.
Power, K., Mont, O. (2011). The role of values and public perceptions in policy making for Sustainable Consumption Copenhagen: ETC-SCP and EEA.
Breukers, S., O. Mont, et al. (2011). SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050. Wuppertal, ECN, Lund University and CSCP: 160.
European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (2009). European retailer initiatives along life cycle chain. The role of food retailing in the move towards more sustainable consumption and production. CSCP. Copenhagen, European Environmental Agency: 66 pp. Not published
Mont, O. and Power, K. (2009). Understanding factors that shape consumption. Copenhagen, ETC-SCP and EEA: 103 pp. Not publishedMont, O., Power, K. (2009). Scoping study on consumption behaviour and policies for change. Copenhagen, ETC-SCP and EEA: 70 pp. Not published
Mont, O., Power, K., Zoboli, R., Mazzanti, M., Munck-Kampmann, B., Hansen, M. S., Watson, D., Reichel, A., Mortensen, L., Gee, D. and Vos, H. (2009). Sustainable consumption in a new green economy. Copenhagen, ETC-SCP and EEA: 39 pp. Not published
Baedeker, C., Bahn-Walkowiak, B., Bleischwitz, R., Kolberg, S., Mont, O., Stengel, O., Stenbæk Hansen, M. and Welfens, M. J. (2009). Survey on consumption behaviour and its driving forces. Copenhagen, European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management: 50 pp. Not published
Mont, O. (2009). Social classes and consumer segmentation: state-of-the-art, consumption drivers and implications for sustainable consumption. Copenhagen, European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production: 32 pp. Not published
Mont, O. and Leire, C. (2008). Socially responsible purchasing in the supply chain: the present state in Sweden and lessons for the future. Stockholm, Swedish Environmental Management Council: 90 pp.
Tukker, A., Diaz-Lopez, F., et al. (2008). Sustainable Consumption Policies Effectiveness Evaluation (SCOPE2). Brussels, Report to European Commission within FP6: 122 pp.
Nemeskeri, R., Bodo, P., et al. (2008). System dynamics to diagnose and devise patterns for sustainable consumption and production. Stockholm, Swedish EPA: 264 pp.
Birkenfeld, F., D. Gastl, et al. (2005). Product ban versus risk management by setting emission and technology requirements – the effect of different regulatory schemes taking the use of trichloroethylene in Sweden and Germany as an example. Passau, Passau University: 68 pp.
Mont, O., & Plepys, A. Sustainable consumption status report. 2005. Swedish EPA: Stockholm. 100 pp.
Mont, O., & Plepys, A. Towards sustainable consumption: learning from experiences of community-based services for households. 2005. The Society for Non-Traditional Technology, Japan: Tokyo. 64 pp.
Mont, O., & Plepys, A. From ownership to service-based lifestyle: the case of joint use of power tools. 2004, The Society for Non-Traditional Technology, Japan: Tokyo. 73 pp.
Mont, O. and A. Plepys, Customer satisfaction: review of literature and application to the product-service systems. 2003, The Society for Non-Traditional Technology, Japan: Tokyo. 61 pp.
Mont, O. and T. Lindhqvist, Funktionsperspektiv på varor och tjänster [Functional perspective on products and services]. 2002, Swedish EPA, Naturvårdsverket Rapport 5230: Stockholm. 48 pp.
Mont, O., Functional Thinking. The role of functional sales and product service systems for a function-based society. 2002, Swedish EPA, Naturvårdsverket Rapport 5223: Stockholm. 64 pp. http://www.naturvardsverket.se/bokhandeln/pdf/620-5233-0.pdf
Kisch, P., Mont, O., Plepys, A., Tjänstesektorn och miljön [The service sector and the environment] (Rapport 5227). Stockholm: Naturvårdsverkets, 35 pp.
Emtairah, T., Jacobsson, N., Kogg, B., Lindhqvist, T., Lissinger, J., Mont, O., Av vem skapas marknaden för miljöanpassade produkter? [Who creates the market for environmental-friendly products?]. Stockholm: Naturvårdsverket, 160 pp.
Mont, O., Introducing and Developing a Product-Service System (PSS) Concept in Sweden. 2001, IIIEE at Lund University and NUTEK: Lund. 124 pp.
Mont, O., Reaching Sustainable Consumption through the Concept of a Product-Service System (PSS). 2001, Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2001: 526: Copenhagen. 87 pp.
Mont, O. and C. Ryan, "Funktionsförsäljning" - product-service systems. 2000, Swedish EPA, AFR-report 299: Stockholm. 54 pp.
Mont, O., Product-Service Systems. Shifting corporate focus from selling products to selling product-services: a new approach to sustainable development. 2000, Swedish EPA, AFR-report 288: Stockholm. 83 pp.
UNIDO and Czech CPC, Cleaner Production, in Manual for companies participating in the project DP/UZB/95/C10 Introduction of Cleaner Production and Development of Sustainable Cleaner Productions Programme for Uzbekistan. 1998: Prague. 205 pp.
Mont, O., Environmental Labelling Systems. Ecolabel. 1994, IIIEE: Lund University, Department of Industrial Environmental Economics. 50 pp.
Mont, O. (2004). Product-service systems: Panacea or myth? Doctoral dissertation, IIIEE, Lund University: Lund. 259 pp.
Mont, O. (1997) Developing Guidelines for Performing Life Cycle Inventories and Designing Environmental Declaration for Services: Posten Logistik as a Case Study, Masters thesis, IIIEE, Lund University: Lund. 148 pp.
Magazine publications
Mont, O. (2004). CMS - ny metod hantera kemikalier [CMS - a new method to manage chemicals]. Verkstäderna(2), 48-49.
Working papers
Mont, O. (2007). Background paper for the International Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles. Background paper 2: Key Issues of Sustainable Consumption and Production for the Third International Expert Meeting on Sustainable Consumption and Production. UNEP, Stockholm.
Mont, O. (2007). Concept paper for the International Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles and contribution to the International Marrakech process. Third International Expert Meeting on Sustainable Consumption and Production. UNEP, Stockholm.